

Meet the queen of flowers - roses. This majestic flower received its title due to worldwide popularity. Each color variation of the rose has its own special meaning, so wherever you are and on any occasion, there will always be a suitable rose for you. Did you know that roses are one of the oldest floral symbols in the world? There is evidence that they were cultivated as early as 5000 years ago.

Care tips

  • Use a clean vase and fill it with clean water.
  • For a longer shelf life, add cut flower food to the water.
  • Cut 3 to 5 cm from the stems with an oblique cut with a sharp, clean knife.
  • If possible, leave thorns on the stems.
  • Regularly replenish the water in the vase.
  • Do not expose roses to drafts, direct sun, heat sources, or next to a fruit bowl.