

A contemporary, natural image; quickly created with the Lily. There is plethora of colours and shapes to choose from. The Lily is loaded with symbolic significance which makes it such fun. For example, the Lily represents femininity. In classical Greece and Rome, brides would don crowns of lilies in the hope of a pure and fertile life. The Lily also stands for love. In Victorian times if you received a scented Lily you could be sure the sender was someone intimate. White lilies often represent virginity at weddings, as the Lily is a metaphor for purity. The Lily also represents mortality, the serene and pure radiance of the flowers expressing emotions in times of loss and mourning. All this symbolism makes the Lily an extraordinary flower indeed, one for any occasion

Care tips

  • Place the vase in a cool place, out of direct sun.
  • Make sure the vase is nice and clean, fill it with water and use food for cut flowers.
  • Trim the stems diagonally.