

Cyclamen bring colour into your home! The Cyclamen will brighten up your living room during the grey months of winter, whilst humidifying the air. When the air in your room dries up (a symptom of central heating), the Cyclamen will introduce more humidity into the air, with a positive effect on dry eyes and irritated airways. The Cyclamen is easy to care for. Indeed about the only place it objects to is directly above a central heating radiator, as this will dry it out. Provided the temperature remains above freezing, the Cyclamen will also do well in the garden or in pots on the terrace. Enjoy these colourful flowers.

Care tips

  • Good light, but no bright sunlight.
  • Ideal temperature 16 – 20 ºC.
  • Keep damp, compost must not dry out.
  • Do not leave excess water in saucer/dish.
  • Apply fertiliser twice a month in winter.
  • Remove dead heads of flowers.
  • Remove dead foliage.