

The Curcuma introduces the tropics into your home! This plant originates in Thailand, but can also be found in India, Malaysia and Pakistan. With its sturdy, long flower stems and extravagant flowers, the Curcuma is a real eye catcher in any interior. The plant is not only for the living room, it can also prove a welcome guest in the kitchen. Curcumine, an ingredient sourced in plant roots, is a delicious flavouring used in oriental cooking. And this is not all, curcumine also has medicinal qualities. However, the active elements are rarely present in the decorative houseplant variety, but only in specially cultivated species.

Care tips

  • Light, sunny spot.
  • Temperature min. 18 ยบC.
  • Keep damp, compost must not dry out.
  • Apply fertiliser once a week.
  • Remove dead heads of flowers.