St. Gabriel: Our Way Under the Magnifier

From the company's inception to today

In 2020, when we decided to switch to selling flowers exclusively through the e-shop, the market was very skeptical about our decision, and no one believed that we would only function in an online environment. But it turns out that believing in your vision and thinking ahead has paid off — 2.300.000 flower stems sold per month are clear proof of this.

The beginning required courage and determination

It all started with buying a car and renting a small landfill in Počernice. In 2013, we started making our first trips to the stock exchange in Holland, from where we carried flowers in a commercial vehicle. The competition may have been  laugh at us, but we didn't doubt it. From the very beginning, we have forged own path that brought us closer to the goal faster than the competition.

The biggest breakthrough came in 2020, when we closed the original Cash & Carry store in Prague and switched to purely online sales and delivery. This catapulted us to a new level, the competition did not catch up with us and today we are the only wholesale store with an online flower warehouse in the Czech Republic.

How it went in time:

2013 — purchase of the first commercial vehicle and the first trips to Holland for flowers

2015 — Acquisition of the first truck

2016 — opening of the first Cash & Carry in Horní Počernice

2017 — launch of our own online platform

2019 — opening of a branch in Brno

2020 — 100% switch to online wholesale → C&C closure

2020 — entry into the Slovak market

2024 — opening of a new Cash & Carry in Horní Počernice

Now St. Gabriel employs over 100 people and has 7 workplaces, which include Cash & Carry Praha, distribution centers in Prague, Brno, Považská Bystrica, Košice, Aalsmeer and Rijnsburg.

We put our customers and their needs first

Our main goal is to provide florists and flower sellers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia with the largest assortment of flowers and plants together with the fastest possible delivery of orders. We understand that customers demand quality and variety of offerings in their flower business, which is why we offer premium products at an affordable price. We strive to meet the growing demands of our customers and ensure that they have everything they need for to run a successful business. We provide all products and services exclusively to legal entities and self-employed people.

St. Gabriel in numbers

We currently achieve an annual turnover of 500 million CZK, We supply over 700 regular customers plus many occasional buyers, we have 11 trucks and 35 delivery vehicles, annually we bring about 800 trucks full of goods to the Czech Republic. In May 2024, it was 2.300.000 flower stems, hence more than 74.000 flowers were sold every day in May.

Řekli o nás:
  • Květinový Ateliér Divoká: Moc děkuji za dnešní návštěvu u vás, jsem nadšená! Hlavně z vašeho přístupu a toho, jak na mě byl každý příjemný.
  • Květiny Junová: Chtěla jsem se podělit a poděkovat za spolupráci s firmou Gabriel. Pracuji jako OSVČ od roku 1989 a ještě nikdy jsem se nesetkala s takovým jednáním, ochotou a přístupem. Obchodní zástupce slečna Bajgerová prostě nemá konkurenci!!!! Děkujeme.
  • TerezBOUQUET: Ráda bych Vám jen poděkovala za přístup k nám floristům, za možnost dostat se k tak krásnému zboží, a ještě s doručením až do našich prodejen. A to těmi nejlepšími řidiči, kteří zároveň vždy zpříjemní den. Obzvláště ráda bych vyzdvihla pana Urbánka, který vždy hýří energií a pozitivní náladou. Přeji Vám mnohem více takových lidí ve Vaší firmě, které jejich práce baví a kteří ji dělají s úsměvem i v náročném období, jako je například právě aktuální Den matek.

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