Cash & Carry Open!

We opened Cash & Carry in Prague: A place where flowers and community flourishes

We have long yearned for a space where we will meet our customers, pass on inspiration to each other and share stories of flowers from our lives. And for this purpose, the Cash & Carry concept was created in Prague Počernice, where people come into direct contact with flowers and can buy directly from our refrigerated rooms. And the opener was spectacular!

A dream come true kicked off with a big bang

In mid-March, our most loyal St. Gabriel customers and friends gathered in the brand new Cash & Carry space to officially launch its operation. Thus, our clients will have the opportunity to buy flowers in person directly in our warehouse, where they can see everything, smell and choose according to their taste. Until now, the purchase of flowers and accessories was only possible through e-shop or telephone orders. It's a step forward for building a community around flowers, which is very important to us.

More than 50 enthusiastic florists watched the shows of the 4th best florist in the world Přemysl Hytych and the best florist of Slovakia Ivan Bednárik throughout the day. That there was something to look at! From simpler bindings to artistic arrangements that would stand out in the pages of fashion magazines as well as in the vestibules of premium hotels.

“Today was a very interesting experience, everything here plays with colorful colors and flavors that awaken creativity. I am very happy to be here and draw inspiration and meet people who love flowers as much as I do,” said a visitor from Prague who saw Přemysl Hytych's charms for the first time with her own eyes and admired his attention to detail and handling of fresh cut flowers.

The strength of the community was the main driving force of the whole day

Interactions and new friendships began both at the bar and from the KRO bistro, as well as watching the masterful art of florists. Among the invited guests were customers from all corners of the Republic and Slovakia and they enthusiastically shared their experiences and opinions. The burbling voice of a visitor from Slovakia spread through the room, entertaining everyone around and prompting flowery discussions. Ivan and Přemysl were also involved in conversations with their jokes and tips, and the atmosphere was very relaxed and friendly throughout the event.

The event was also praised by a long-time flower buyer who has a successful family florist and gardening business in Kladno: “We came to draw inspiration and support St. Gabriel in opening Cash & Carry. It strikes me as a great concept and I'm glad that a space has been created where we can shop and admire plants while also meeting the people we share our greatest hobby with. We have been purchasing flowers from St. Gabriel practically since the beginning of their existence and I am happy that we are here with them at such a milestone. “

The meeting of flowers and people has borne fruit

The main focus was on the blossoming stage, where flowers and decorations were arranged, the audience sat on chairs or stood for snacks, and the whole room was surrounded by shelves with pots andaccessories that customers could buy at the event. After the florist show ended, the gates opened to the cooling room with cut flowers. Thus, visitors left not only with experiences, but also with new flowers in their hands. And for the lucky few who were well seated, a surprise awaited under the chair in the form of a shopping voucher at St. Gabriel as a thank you for the longtime support at Cash & Carry's grand opening.

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